The philosophy of Kat Mack from behind the photographer's lens:

“I put pride and a part of myself into each client’s experience and photography. In editing, I go back in my mind to the experience of the shoot with the subject because I understand what’s behind the images and the memories you will have on your wall.”

The personal touch begins with the planning session. Whether portraits of families or high school seniors, the photographer plans the shoot with clients, discussing location, attire, anything that will make their experience unique to them. The studio can also provide what-to-wear palettes for suggestions. This consultation process puts the client’s preferences at the forefront.

“Every client is unique, so while a family pose or setting might be somewhat similar from one to the next, the dynamics are very different. It is important to know who I am photographing and understand that so I give them a portrait that is truly unique to those individuals.”

Kat shares her enthusiasm with clients during shoots and is apt to stop a moment to show them an image or two on the back of her camera. She also knows how to engage little kids with silly jokes to generate giggles and the smiles that parents know and love.

A great illustration of Kat’s customized approach is the high school seniors’ experience. “This is not your parents’ senior portraits,” she says. “Seniors are there own unique brand of human beings; they’re no longer children, they haven’t stepped into the adult world, although they are expected to act like adults. There is a delicate tightrope of treating them like adults but giving them direction like a kid, while giving them adult respect and letting them have a say in what they want in their portrait.”

Often a parent will ask for a particular look or style and the child will request something altogether different. With Kat, both can be done. One senior boy wore a school jacket for the portrait that his mother envisioned and then a kooky costume for the memory he wanted. “Mom got what she wanted and he got a voice in what he did,” Kat recalls. These images are ideal for yearbook ads and graduation announcements.

Kat’s photojournalistic style captures things as they happen with people. The images then tell a story so the viewer feels like they were there. “You are documenting a moment, creating a memory,” she says.

This attention to detail extends to our furry friends as well. Kat’s dog portraits can also include their owners, as she likes to gain the dog’s perspective, upward, with the pet and the owner. “Because it’s different than when you are looking down at your dog.” This way one can see what the humans mean to the pet too. Of course, favorite toys are welcome during shoots too.



Our studio offers an array of backdrops, scenes and sets. Products are reviewed and selected by clients during presentations in a media room with a large television screen and product examples, including art canvasses.

Address: 14102 F.M. 529, Houston, Texas 77041

(832) 692-2707





Kat Mack Photography offers a full line of professional products to display your portraits. 

Family Portraits:

High School Seniors:

Maternity and Baby:

Special occasions:

Kat Mack Photography takes pride in guiding clients as they select the perfect set of images for their home and the best accompaniment in terms of professional framing and other presentation. The studio curates the selected products into the complete package for busy families. As a full-service photography studio, we ensure high-quality editing, tailored design selection and seamless project execution.